EOD Perforating Charges

Suprameca has an extensive know-how in the design and manufacture of EOD perforating charges.


We offer a wide range of EOD Perforating Charges designed to render UXO (UneXploded Ordnance) safe on the surface and underwater.

These charges are considered to be low order tools which are very effective in reducing the blast effects whilst causing complete disruption of the ordnance.

They are designed to impart enough reaction energy to the UXO charge to rupture the casing, but not so much as to cause a full detonation reaction.
If the impact is not sufficient to detonate, the explosive material may react with rapid combustion (deflagration).

Key features and benefits

  • Compactness and lightness
  • Modularity
  • Easy handling
  • Reduced blast effects
  • Reliable performance
  • Safety in operation



Suprameca has extensive experience in the design, development and manufacture of bespoke equipment that meets high safety and reliability requirements.